Things to Know...
Before you Float:
Don't shave or wax on the day of your float.
Avoid caffeine, otherwise hydrate normally.
Eat a light meal 30 minutes prior to floating.
You do not need to bring anything else. For your own personal comfort you may wish to bring:
Contacts lens case
Hair brush
Personal beauty products

Vaseline for cuts
Spray deodorant
Makeup wipes
Shampoo, conditioner, & body wash
Also, we provide for you if needed:
Tip: if you need earplugs you get a better suction to the earplugs if you put them on BEFORE showering and getting in the float tank.
Lifestyle Items to Consider:
Hair Dye:
You spend a lot of money on your hair and it looks damn good on you! We want your colour to stay as vibrant as it was on day 1; we also don’t want the colours left in our solution to stain or strain the filtration system. For our benefit, and yours, if you have recently dyed your hair with a permanent vibrant color - or any spectrum of red - we ask that you wait a minimum of 2 weeks up to one month before floating. The quality of dye impacts the wait time. Non-permanent dyes are not permitted whatsoever, you will need to pass a white towel test before your float. When you can shower with no dye running, and a white towel doesn’t change colour, you're good to float. If you are a frequent dyer schedule your floats for immediately before your hair appointment.
Tattoos, Piercings and the like:
We love seeing your personal expressions of individuality, but you want to wait until your tattoos or piercings have fully healed before getting into the tank. Everyone heals at different times, and it also depends on the type of tattoo. Generally speaking, 3 to 4 weeks should suffice, after the scabbing and peeling has subsided. As a test, apply hand sanitizer to the area and if it stings you’ll want to wait a little longer to get in the tank. Henna tattoos will be stripped by the salt so you will be asked to wash them off before your float.
Hair Extensions:
We have been told that only alcohol will dissolve the glue that holds (some) extensions in place, and that floating is totally safe. You’ve likely invested a ton of money into your gorgeous locks so it might be a good idea to ask your hair stylist and do a trial run at home with Epsom salt for added security. Hair extensions do have to adhere to hair colour rules above so please keep that in mind.
Tanning Lotions and Sprays:
Solutins will strip the tan and ruin our solution and tanks. So, we ask that you wait two weeks after a spray tan. If your spray tan includes a bronzer you shouldn’t float until it’s gone. Instead we recommend you come in right before you get the spray tan.
Hair Keratin Treatments:
Anyone using keratin treatments for their hair are told to avoid salt water; and yes, this includes Epsom salt. On the advice of a hair professional, we recommend you wait 4 weeks after getting the treatment before hopping into a tank. Keratin extensions need to be adjusted monthly, and generally last 6-12 weeks. The best practice would be to float right before you get a treatment done. A float likely won’t damage the keratin any more than a swim in a chlorine pool.
There should be no issues with floating with dreadlocks. However, it may be very difficult to get all of the salt out of your locks, as a heads up. You will be required to wash your hair of any dirt and oils before your float, so if you use an oil or balm on your dreads save it for after. We'll provide you with an extra towel too!
Physical and Medical Things to know
***We are NOT medical professionals. Do not rely on us for any specific advice concerning your condition. This is basic information we have gathered from multiple sources, but in no way represents medical advice. Always follow your intuition; no one knows your body like you do, and when in doubt ask a doctor.
Anxious people are more likely to be put off by the idea of spending time alone, naked, and in a dark place. This is incredibly unfortunate, because research shows that people with anxiety benefit from floating, almost two-fold over those without anxiety. Evidence shows that floating might be the most effective stress and anxiety treatment, with the fewest side effects. If you suffer from anxiety I strongly urge you to try floating, and not just once, but a handful of times to get a well rounded understanding of the richness floating has to offer.
Insulin Pump / Glucose Monitor / Diabetes:
Most diabetic floaters I’ve come across are comfortable removing their pump for a duration of time, and usually do so for other activities like swimming. This is entirely up to you and your comfort level. You can apply Vaseline to the insertion site to minimize irritation from the salt. Feel free to bring snacks but please do not eat inside the tank. You know your body better than anyone, always follow your intuition and doctor’s advice. Epsom Salt that you buy at the store comes with a warning about using it if you have diabetes. My understanding is it tends to be more about peripheral neuropathy, where certain cases of diabetes suffer poor circulation and nerve damage in the feet. Soaking in Epsom salt - or even strong soaps - can lead to drying out and exacerbating cracks and sores; potentially leading to infections, etc. Even a small pebble, going unaddressed, in a shoe can be incredibly damaging for someone who can't feel their toes.
This is the number one concern we hear about people’s aversion to floating. For most people, once they see the tank and actualize the experience have no problem at all. You can open the door, leave the light on; whatever makes you feel more comfortable; you are in complete control at all times. I assure you, there is far more room to move around and stretch out in a float tank than in any vehicle. So if you can drive, I have full faith in your ability to lay comfortably in a float tank. We HIGHLY recommend using the open tank versus the closed tank if you're prone to being claustrophobic.
Kidney / Liver / Detoxing Issues:
The kidneys process toxins and nutrients, so if they're weakened and suddenly put on double duty because of an external circumstance (magnesium) which is triggering the flushing of toxins, or absorption, it's potentially dangerous. In theory, too much magnesium absorption, or too rapid a detoxification could stress the kidney. There are reports from many people with kidney/liver problems, even those with only one kidney that report zero problems floating; on the contrary, credit the tank with healing properties, but if you have any liver or kidney issues it’s something you should be aware of. The bottom line is that we don't have enough information about a) how much magnesium is absorbed while floating and b) whether your kidneys are impaired enough to produce a situation of too much magnesium in the bloodstream. There is a big range of "impaired" kidney function all the way from mild (like in well managed chronic kidney disease) to severe (like in people on hemodialysis). If you have liver or kidney issues you should consult your doctor and if you do float it’s recommended to drink plenty of water before and after your float.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD):
There are different forms and causes of COPD and depending on medications and other medical history it's best to consult your doctor before floating.
Low Blood Pressure:
Floating has been shown to lower your diastolic blood pressure by 10-15 points in the first 10-15 minutes of your float. Many people with low blood pressure float with no adverse reactions but use extra caution exiting the tank and make use of the safety bars.
Concussion / Traumatic Brain Injury:
Dr. Dan Engle highly reccomends floating in his book The Concussion Repair manual. At this time we're unaware of any research directly showing the effects of floating on a concussion, but the usual advice is a quiet dark room, and we have a very quiet dark room to offer.
Lyme Disease:
Lyme Disease is very different for each person afflicted. We have read many reports of people with Lyme crediting the tank with a massively positive impact on their quality of life, but every person is different and of course no results are ever guaranteed.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS):
We've read nothing but good things about floating for those with CRPS.
Motion Sickness / Vertigo / Vestibular Disorder / Meinere's Disease:
Make sure to hydrate very well before and after to help alleviate if your prone to these conditions. Sometimes the lack of motion can trigger motion sickness symptoms. Reaching out and touching the sides of the tank can bring you back to centre, or leaving the light on can help. You are always in control of your experience. Feel free to step out of the tank and gather yourself, but we recommend you get back in and try again once you settle out. Another thing that helps some people is to use a float pillow to prop your head up as much as feels good. Most people report this being a temporary problem and once they’ve gotten a few floats under their belt their dizziness goes away, but if you are sensitive to motion sickness or vertigo it’s something to be aware of.
Elhers Danlos Syndrome (EDS):
EDS is a genetic disorder that effects your connective tissues. It affects everyone differently but for many results in a lot of pain. Floating has helped many people with this syndrome.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS):
It's our understanding that MS affects everyone a little differently so there can be no one size fits advice, but if you're going to take advice on this topic I'd rather it come from Dr. David Berv of The Float Zone in his article Five Ways Floating Helps Multiple Sclerosis. It is very important that the temperature of the solution not be too high because heat can exacerbate symptoms of MS. If you have MS and wish to float please tell your float host well in advance so we can set the temperature perfect for you.
Epilepsy and/or Seizure Disorders:
Seizures can be triggered by stress and overactive sensory input; therefore, practical wisdom suggests that people with seizure disorders would benefit significantly from floating – and we truly believe this. In all the research we’ve conducted, it seems the primary reason for not allowing people with seizures to float is a liability issue. If you have a seizure while in the float tank there would be no way for us to know that you were in distress and get you the required medical attention. If your epilepsy or seizure disorder is under control with medication, and you get clearance from your doctor, please seek out floating.
Poison Ivy:
If you have come in contact with poison ivy the float solution will likely sting like crazy. That said, we've read reports of the solution helping the skin heal. It's not contagious, so we don't mind if you want to float, the choice is yours, but be prepared for skin irritation, depending on the severity, skin-on-fire irritation.
Fibromyalgia / Chronic Pain:
The post float stories that include tears, usually come from chronic pain sufferers - tears of joy. I have witnessed and read so many stories of people experiencing pain free states in the float tank for the first time in years. The science is pretty solid supporting pain relief with floating. Here's the thing, floating is a practice and not every time will every one reach a pain free state. The levels of pain we're talking about didn't start in 1 day, and it's not going to be fixed after only 1 of anything. Most of these stories come after multiple floats. For some, the pain gets worse before it gets better. There have been so many success stories of alleviating Fibromyalgia symptoms it sparked The Fibromyalgia Flotation Project (FFP) and you can read all about it on their website.
There are very few instances when it would not be safe to float during pregnancy. Most soon to be mothers find valuable relief from common pregnancy woes, but when in doubt always consult your physician. We ask you do not float after 38 weeks as it may affect our solution. Contact owner Alexandra if you have special circumstances to ask.
Hearing Aid:
Assuming the hearing aid can be removed you should have no problem floating. We use music to bring you out of your float, but if we know you are hard of hearing we can turn up the volume and/or the bass. The sound is produced by transducers under the float tanks that transfer vibrations through the water essentially making the water the speaker. We have successfully floated deaf people with no issue.
Prone to Ear Infections:
Float related ear infections generally don’t come from pathogens in the solution, rather from not cleaning your ears well enough post float. Once dry, the salt crystallizes, expands, and may cause irritation. We provide a bottle of vinegar/water ear rinse as an optional, post float ear rinse. The vinegar will help dissolve any left over salt residue. Silicone ear plugs help (just ask for them as we can provide these also). Human error is often the cause of water entering your ears. We all struggle with ear plugs from time to time, but if you are overly prone to ear infections take extra precautions by using silicone ear plugs, putting them in before you get into the shower, and rinsing passionately after your float.
Herpes is so common; I've read stats as high as 50% carry the virus. Herpes doesn't transmit through water such as swimming pools, so I suspect it would be even less of a risk in float solution. For your sake, if you are midst flare up you'll want to wait until the skin has healed up because the salt solution will sting the area.
Slipped or Damaged Vertebrae:
The float tank all but negates the effects of gravity from your joints and muscles. For most this is a relaxing and comfortable place to be, but if you have existing or unidentified slippage in your vertebra discs or other skeletal issues the lack of support might put you in a precarious position that could cause more harm than good. This is a very rare occurrence but something to be aware of if it effects you. It may help to use the Float Ease halo or pool noodle for added support.
You can’t float if you have problems with bladder leakage or incontinence. This is purely from a tank solution sanitation position and not because it would be harmful to you. If you want to float perhaps you should invest in a personal float tank set up? Call us, we can recommend tanks and we would love to help you set it up!
Super Sensitive Skin:
The Epsom salts can be super helpful and provide amazing relief to people with psoriasis or eczema (or the like) but some people suffer so bad that the burn of the Epsom salt would be intolerable. If you are concerned we suggest starting slow, and starting with baths at home to test your tolerance. It’s rare that skin irritations would affect someone to the extent that you couldn’t float, but knowledge is power! It's rare, but some women may experience a stinging in their most sensitive regions. Some areas this may come to play are: Yeast infections,UTI, close to menstral cycle, pregnancy, menopause, hormonal changes and medications, etc.
This condition is a constant ringing in the ears, exacerbated by quiet environments. People with tinnitus can absolutely float, but may be distracted/irritated by their own body. For people with tinnitus we suggest listening to music or keeping lights on, maybe only at the beginning of your float journey, and experiment to see how things change/evolve. Most float centres can accommodate a request to listen to music.
Tubes in Ears:
Following the importance of cleaning your ears, those with tubes in their ears may want to steer clear of floating. If you can master a good seal with the silicone ear plugs you will likely be ok, but we've heard reports of excruciating pain when salt solution enters the ear canal. It's unfortunate, but it might not be worth the risk. If you're adamant you want to float I would also recommend using a tool to keep your ears propped up above the water line for an extra measure of caution.
Cancer, Chemotherapy & Radiation
Chemo is an incredibly toxic substance; it’s so toxic, that it not only kills cancer cells but also the healthy ones too. It’s possible that if the float is detoxifying you the way some claim, it could negate the effectiveness of the treatment. We ask that patients undergoing chemotherapy wait about 4 weeks before floating and always consult your oncologist. You may benefit from high density Epsom salt baths at home during this time.